We have been ending our visit of Alyeska with the knowledge we will be back. Actually will have to because we are leaving the rv winterized-in good hands, and stored in Anchorage. With plans to return next summer. Coming thru from TOK we traveled thru a snow storm and realized driving was just too treacherous to be in a hurry.The repairs have been arranged with minimal issues, just too late to head out to British Columbia and the mountain ranges ahead.
T is actually starting to plan next journey this way, his interest in prospecting has been piqued after numerous conversations with interesting 'characters'. His interest has been inspired to travel to 'Chicken', which has been closed since this summers rain which washed out the road. The one and only highway we haven't traveled.
Caio Alyeska!
T-s Trivia: Gold Rush For Mushroom Pickers
Forest fires ca led to a healthy crop of wild morels on the Taylor Highway near Chicken. In 2005, professional pickers came here from across the world.
Morel-picking can bring in big money -- sometimes. In 1992, Oregon, Washington & Idaho pickers earned $5.2 million.