Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Catching up on travels w/AL

 Al's sunset pik from St Andrews, NB, Canada

Hey is anyone forgetting about me a granddaughter to the Sr TD and LD  but a sister to KK.Hi I am AL KK’s younger sister I to was invited to CANADA.So far it has been beautiful here.We saw so many beautiful things like the really blue water to the most amazing sunset.We saw baby ducks and lots of birds.We have mostly been in campgrounds and they were all beautiful. We stayed at one hotel  in the last 5 days.The hotel was at St.Andrews.
WOW you cant imagine how excited i am about going to CANADA!Today is the first day on the road.I cant believe how long we drove today.It felt like forever.Today we drove 347 miles from my dads house to Old Orchid Beach,Main.Then we stopped at the beach witch i have to say it was crowded lots of people.At the beach we had dinner at the Irish Pub.Next we drove a little longer to stay at the best campground ever well i think.We stayed at KOA it was not that crowded.After being at the campground for about 5 min.Me and my grandpa saw that the people that worked there were setting up something.I said that it could be a movie.So me and my grandpa went to go see what was going on and guess what i was right.They had a family movie playing the movie was W bout a Zoo.The lat thing we did was go to bed.But during the movie my grandpa went to sleep a lot.Well thats it today everyone  bye.

Today we didn’t drive as much today. We only drove 100 miles.We drove from KOA to Banger,Main.We stayed at another campground today.The campground we stayed at was the Pumpkin Patch campground.Let me just tell you it was a very nice and quiet place.It was soothing.I thought it was for seniors.It was so nice there that my grandma made well microwave roast chicken for dinner.Let me tell you it was really good and spicy but not really spicy.Oh and i forgot to tell you that it was so beautiful that we eat out side at the campground on a picnic table.OMG! There were so many mosquitos that we felt like there was war with mosquitos going up against people oh ya they won to.So then we just went back into the camper and watched a movie.That's it for know for all the family clans that are reading this.

Today we drove 100 miles the same as yesterday coincidence i think so!Just kidding.Well we didn’t drive 100 miles all at once.First we drove 28 miles and stopped for lunch.Then we drove about another 28 miles give or take a few. It was the first day well the day we crossed the border into CANADA yay.Then we stopped at a hotel actually the first hotel we went to on the trip and i think the last.We stayed at the Motor Inn hotel in St.Andrews.Then for dinner our hotel was close to lots of stores so we walked to dinner.For dinner we waked to a pizza place.Me and KK split a pick your own pizza toppings.We got a pineapple and ham also known as the tropical pizza.Next because the hotel was buy a bridge called wharf also were people keep there boats.Then when my sis and grandma got tiered they walked back to the hotel.Me and my grandpa stayed there and was walking slowly as we were taking pics.After we got to the hotel well we were there for about 10 minutes give or take a few.Last we went to bed.That's it for know bye for know.

Today we drove 50 miles.You know i fell like the miles are dropping from high to low how about you.We drove from St.Andrews Motor Inn hotel to St.Johns,Canada.When we were driving our way to the campsite we were staying in we stopped at a little ponds that had baby ducks and mom and dad ducks.We took lots of pics.We also took pics of birds.Then when we finished we went to the campground.The campground we stayed at was the Rock Wood Park campground.When we were there there was a pool that was actually a small beach.There was also an ice cream store there.Then it was another picnic table at our campground.We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner on the picnic table.that's it for today

Wow all that driving got us all tired.Today Monday July 9,2012 was an amazing day.The first thing we did was got up from bed and got ready to leave the campground.We turned the electricity off turned the fridge to battery and turned the water off.Then we put our waste in a tube under ground let me just tell you it didn’t smell nice.Then we hit the road.I was listening to music and trying to fall asleep so was KK.For breakfast i had cereal so did KK but KK had milk with hers.We drove for a long time well i think i was asleep for most of it.Oh i almost forgot me and my grandpa found a secret place with wiled blueberries let me tell you they were really good.Next we stopped at a little area by the beach we saw lots of boats in the mud because the tide was down.I got  little gifts for my parents KK got a gift for someone.Then TD Sr was talking to a lady that said the rock caves were very close to there.Well i think you can guess what the next thing we did was.Well if you cant ill tell you.We went to the water caves.OMG it was so rocky every were we stepped there was either rocks mud or water streams but there was mostly rocks.OH i almost forgot there were mountains of seaweed.The caves were so big but didn’t go in to far.There were about two deep caves that were dark on the inside and one shallow cave but there were tiny caves inside of it.We were there for longer then an hour.My feet got so muddy oh and KK’s shoe didn’t like her i mean that they kept coming off her foot but i think her shoe liked me because i was always the one to catch her shoe when it fell off.Me and KK’s feet were so muddy that we just decided to walk in the stream.Oh and also the reason we were walking in the stream was because that there are a lot of wishing rocks.I know what your about to ask what is a wishing rock?Let me till you. Its a rock with a white line circled around it its called a wishing rock because if you find one you make a wish on it and when it comes true you pass it to another person.Then we had lunch at a seafood place along the beach.I thought that what my grandpa had was the best he had a very good fish sandwich.Then i fell a sleep well when i was a sleep we drove to the campsite and checked in.We had a very nice spot.After a few minutes at the camp site we went for pizza.I had a huge salad well i split it with grammy but these other people were like surprised that the salad that big was for a little girl. Last we went back to the camp site.It felt like this day would never end.I hope you know i meant that in a good way. WOW such bizzy days well we are on this trip.Well thats all for today folks.Talk to you next time.BYE!

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