Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Better Late than Never!!!

7/18/11  Missed a few days, no internet service
 And the Beat Goes On!!!!!
ZJ Blog              7-18-11

Lately we have been driving allot. We have been stopping and camping at national parks. One park we went to my cousin and I went fishing. I had my spot and she had hers. She kept getting caught in weeds so she came over to my spot and got our lines tangled. Then later we decided to move. We where fishing and all of a sudden I feel this thump and a sharp pain in my back SHE HOOKED ME IN THE BACK!!! She had no clue where her line went so she tugged it and ripped the lure out of my back. We moved again and I was standing in water the hole time. When we where packing up to get our bathing suits on to swim in the water I noticed a leech on my leg so m cousin was too scared to go in the water. That night I took a piece of drift wood and started to carve it. Hours and hours went by. It was starting to take shape. I made long sword with a grip because I cut finger holes in it. I was AMAZED at what I did. The day after we went to a camp where they had a huge pile of wood that you where allowed to take as much of as you want. I made a very nice fire.

Now we are heading to South Dakota.  ZJ Blog

A nice evening spent in Stewart at Ripley Creek Inn, Pizza nite, Saturday in town was busy, but for a quiet place not bad at all. . Hyder is just across river, and had lunch at blue bus, delicious Mermaid Chowder, named after cook, not ingredients.

The salmon have not arrived yet this year so not much to do. A short ried in Tongass National Forest, saw a couple of bear, none at salmon stream. Still amazed at wildflowers. Old mining spoils/machinery along road, must have been hopping town/s.

Z n K loved exploring around town, lots of interesting things to find. Bringing home drilling sample cores for gold propecting. The specs of gold have them enthralled. Gotta find a book for them to realize what an historic event gold prospecting was and how it effected the development of AK and the NW Canadian Territories. A lot of money made, but a lot more lost.

Heading south from Stewart,YK stopped at Fraser Lake CG to find it was 100th Anniv Celebration for Canada Provincial Parks, and were entertained by a host of very talented local musicians. What’s not to like in a pristine park with music fillng the air. Fishing crew tried their hand down at lake while I just sat back and grooved. Onward east--- traveling thru the Jasper Prov. Forest. A rough drive, mostly because it was weekend lots of sightseers and winding roads, but worth the ride. Canadian Rockies have to be seen to believed. Overnight in quiet campground @ Jonas Creek, Z n K are whittlers now of the first order. Continuing on we stopped at rest stop to find a breathtaking waterfall and rapids. Kids hiked up and down 3 times and finally roped me into third climb (2.5 miles round trip). Happy to see they enjoyed the adventure, as they have been contained close to rv.

Further onward across the border and Glacier National Park in Montana, Grabbed first site we could find since entrance had notice that it was filling up. Another good nights rest under the stars and a hike out to get fire wood. Did stop to eat in town, nice break after a long drive.

Heading south east to South Dakots, Badlands ……………………….


ZJ Blog

Lately we have been driving allot. We have been stopping and camping at national parks. One park we went to my cousin and I went fishing. I had my spot and she had hers. She kept getting caught in weeds so she came over to my spot and got our lines tangled. Then later we decided to move. We where fishing and all of a sudden I feel this thump and a sharp pain in my back SHE HOOKED ME IN THE BACK!!! She had no clue where her line went so she tugged it and ripped the lure out of my back. We moved again and I was standing in water the hole time. When we where packing up to get our bathing suits on to swim in the water I noticed a leech on my leg so m cousin was too scared to go in the water. That night I took a piece of drift wood and started to carve it. Hours and hours went by. It was starting to take shape. I made long sword with a grip because I cut finger holes in it. I was AMAZED at what I did. The day after we went to a camp where they had a huge pile of wood that you where allowed to take as much of as you want. I made a very nice fire.

Now we are heading to South Dakota.

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